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Hungarian 空气 Force and Gripen – many milestones reached

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4月26日星期五, the morning at the Kecskemét 空气base looked a bit different than standard morning – technicians were not working around the Gripen fleet, pilots were not preparing for their next mission (but of course, everyone was still 读y for Alpha scramble should it come). 

Gergely上校Gróf, Commander of the Szentgyörgyi Dezső 101st 空气 Wing of the Hungarian Defence Forces, gathered the personnel for a short ceremony to note the recent achievements. 它们有很多! 首先, Hungarian 空气 Force Gripen fleet will be enlarged by four more Gripen C fighters, allowing 匈牙利 to protect its airspace and airspace of partners within NATO with the fleet comprising 18 Gripen C fighters. 

Secondly, Hungarian 空气 Force recently reached significant milestone – 30.000飞行小时的鹰狮! "We highly value our partnership with 匈牙利 and we are impressed by the results of the Hungarian 空气 Force flying their Gripen fighters. It is a firm and long-term partnership between HunAF, Saab, Swedish 空气 Force and FMV. 全天候保护空域,达到30小时.000 FH shows high operational availability of Gripen, 准备好在需要它的地方——在空中,拉尔斯·托斯曼说, 高级副总裁兼航空主管. 


这样才能继续执行任务, it is crucial to keep Gripen continuously modernized. “这是我们可以做到的. 有了鹰狮,你将永远拥有最新的, 运行最新算法的最快的计算机, 最新的传感器和最先进的武器. 它让我们的顾客, 匈牙利包括, the advantage to see more and act faster than an opponent,托斯曼补充道. And this is another milestone which was celebrated last Friday in Kecskemét. 十大正规博彩网站评级现在已经交付了MS20 Block 2.1. upgrade which brings important enhancements of radar capabilities, more secured communication system and includes IFF (identification friend-foe) as per latest NATO standard. 

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最后但同样重要的, the 空气 Wing Commander appreciated Captain Máte Majerik for his outstanding performance as Gripen display pilot. Máte was demonstrating the capabilities of Gripen to cheering crowds during more than 50 airshows, events and festivals between 2019-2022 and collected many awards for his breath-taking displays. Of course, he could not do that alone – without proper technical support. 因此, major György Havasi was also awarded on behalf of the whole technical squadron maintaining Hungarian 空气 Force Gripen fleet. 

Congratulations, or szívből gratulálok, as they say in Hungarian!